Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tips to Finding Affordable Car Insurance

Affordable car insurance is something that everyone wants to find and have. You realize that you cannot afford to drive a car on the road without insurance, at least not without asking for trouble, but keeping car insurance as affordable as possible, especially with consumers tightening their belts to the breaking point these days, can be a challenge.

With that in mind, below are listed several tips to keep in mind so that you can find the most affordable car insurance available. By employing all of these tips, you will certainly be able to get the most affordable car insurance available.

1. Keep a good driving record. This is probably obvious, but it is probably the single biggest criteria in keeping your car insurance rates low. Moving violation tickets (as opposed to parking tickets which are not a moving violation) are the worst thing you can have. And if you lie to your insurance company, it is even worse because they will find out via your state’s motor vehicle department, and then they will re-bill you for the months that you were paying lower car insurance rates.

2. Consider the car you are insuring. Based on years of statistics, the insurance companies have different rates for different makes and models of cars. For example, if you want a sporty car, the typical rate on a Dodge Stealth is almost twice as much as the very similar Mitsubishi Eclipse for the same year car, so before you buy a new or used car, check to see how it fares in terms of insurance.

3. Manage your deductibles. Your insurance rate for a $100 deductible is going to be much higher than your rates with a $500 deductible. Determine how and where you drive, then choose sensible deductible levels to keep your rates low.

4. Eliminate collision insurance. If you have a car that you are still making payments on or it is a leased car, you are required to carry collision insurance on your car insurance policy. But if it is an older car that is paid off, you may want to eliminate the collision insurance since you are no longer required to carry it. But keep in mind if you are in an accident, chances are that the entire cost of repairs will come out of your pocket.

5. Use whatever discounts can be applied. Sometimes discounts may be available for employees of a local large company. For your teen drivers, some companies offer a good student discount for the student who maintains a B or better grade point average. If it makes financial sense, check out also placing your homeowner’s insurance with this company if they offer a multi-policy or multi-product discount.

6. Believe it or not, keep your credit history as clean as possible. Car insurance companies are starting to look at consumer’s credit reports when quoting car insurance rates because they allegedly have studies which indicate that people with lower credit scores make more claims. If your credit report is not squeaky clean, find out what you can do to get it cleaned up.

And saving the most important tip for last, by all means shop around. Do not choose an insurance company just because they are in the next block or your brother-in-law works there. This is a competitive industry and let the company prove that they want your business by offering you an attractive rate. Do not be afraid to shop online either, since many times online car insurance can save you a ton over what the local insurance company can offer, and provide you with the most affordable car insurance you can get.

What is the Best Auto Insurance Recommendation For High Risk Drivers?

If you’re a young or very old driver, had too many tickets or accidents, drive a car that is a favorite of thieves, live in an area with high crime rates, have bad credit (at some companies) or went without car insurance for period, the insurance companies only offer high risk car insurance to you. The insurance rates for this type of coverage frequently compete with the car payment for the most out of your pocket every month.

There are ways to reduce the cost for high risk drivers and get cheap car insurance.

1. Look for discounts. Young high risk drivers often reduce their rates with a good student discount and a driver’s education discount. Those with muscle cars or targets for thieves need to install a car alarm or antitheft device. Some companies offer senior discounts, other companies charge more for the elderly, find out which type of company you have. See if the company offers a multi-car discount.

2. Consider switching to a more low profile car that thieves don’t steal as frequently.

3. Build a garage. Cars parked on the street are higher risk for both collision and theft.

4. Work on your record. Check for any unpaid tickets; take driving classes if they reduce the points on your license. Ask your agent if there are additional ways to move into the lower cost car insurance.

5. Purchase both your auto insurance and homeowners through the same company and get a discount on your high risk car insurance.

6. Eliminate comp and collision. If you paid off your car, you have the option to remove those coverages. See whether the cost of the car, minus your deductible is close to the amount you pay on an annual basis. You might also consider dropping it if two years of payments equal the value of your car less the deductible.

7. Compare rates. Companies set their rates by the loss ratio they experienced in a particular area, with the profile of a driver and type of car. Not all companies have the same losses, so not all companies have the same rates.

It pays to shop around to find cheap insurance. Most of the time, it’s simpler to find quotes online from sites that carry the products of many companies. Filling out the quote form two or three times is a lot easier than calling every agent in your city.

Whatever you do, don’t settle for less liability coverage if you want cheap insurance. Many times, high risk drivers attempt to reduce the cost of their policy by only carrying the state minimums. These coverage frequently max out at $40,000 to $50000 bodily injury per accident, even if more three or four are injured. This is barely enough to pay for the medical bills of a serious injury to one person, let alone three or four. The biggest savings for high risk car insurance always comes from comparing insurance rates and not downgrading the policy.

10 Must Know Facts About Cheap New Driver Insurance

1)Never Accept a Policy Renewal - Always Get New Quotes
You will not waste your time shopping around.It could save a lot of money and standard policies change as times change and new product are always launched.Get at least five quotes for comparison purposes, but remember to compare like with like.

2)Take Care of You No Claim Bonus (NCB)
Be a safe driver.That way you will build up a no claim history that will help with future renewals or quotes for insurance.

3)Adjust you Excess to Reduce your Premium
If you increase the voluntary excess that you are prepared to pay on your policy you can reduce your premium.The more you are prepared to pay, the less your premium will be.

4) Install an Approved Alarm
Installing any alarm or tracking device will reduce your premium.Be sure to install a Thatcham approved device as this is the industry standard.Other devices might be a waste of your money.

5)Secure Car Parking
Make sure your car is parked in a secured area.A lock up garage is preferable as this lowers you risk profile and will reduce your premiums.

6)Do an Advanced Driving Test
Driving Tests / Advance Driver’s Courses done by recognised institutes will demonstrate to your insurance company that you can handle a car and they will reward you with lower premiums.

7) Check with you Broker Before you Buy a Car
Make sure the vehicle you are about to buy is not seen as a high risk vehicle.With Performance vehicles and Modified vehicles you can expect higher premiums.Some vehicles might not even be insured by certain Insurance companies.

8)Buy Insurance On-Line
Many Insurance Companies will grant a discount for buying insurance On-Line.There are less costs involve and part is passed to the customer.

9)Set You Maximum Mileage
Your Premium will be reduced if your mileage is less than 12000 miles per year.This is especially helpful if you do not use your vehicles for daily commuting.

Try to use the same Insurance Company for all your insurance needs.Your risk will be average and discounts give as you are giving them more business.

Nico Smit is the founder of - a website filled with FREE advise on insurance as well as the best UK online insurance companies to give you the best price for first time insurance.

Online Savings Can Be Made For Motor Insurance

The internet has revolutionised the way we do things and buying car insurance online is no different. With three types of motor insurance to choose from, you, by using the power of the web, you are able to get the policy that suits your needs.

You can compare premiums and policy benefits online - or allow a specialist broker to do it on your behalf. It certainly is a lot easier than ringing lots of insurers or traipsing up and down the High Street looking for that great motor insurance deal.

So, what do you need to know when considering car insurance? Well, first, there are three types.

Fully comprehensive insurance protects your vehicle for accidents caused by you as well as damage to the other vehicle and any third party. Because of the protection given, it does cost more than the other policies. Third party fire and theft (TPFT) would allow you to claim if your car was stolen or damaged by fire as well as covering any damage or injury to a third party or their vehicle. While third party only is the cheapest cover and does what it says on the tin. It provides no protection whatsoever for your vehicle.

Why do you need insurance?

A lack of motor insurance means many problems, the least of which would be having to find the money for any repairs. You would have to face the consequences of driving on the roads in the UK without cover. Having car insurance in place would stop all this.

You would not have to pay out of your own pocket with insurance and you would not have to face the consequences of not being insured. Your policy could cover such as theft, fire, legal and medical costs as a result of an accident.

A specialist car insurance website will look across a broad range of UK insurance companies and then present you with the some motor insurance options which could lead to the cheapest deal.

Getting cheaper cover

You can influence how much insurance you pay by employing a few tips:

  • all insurance providers will ask you to pay so much excess. However if you offer to pay more then you are able to cut down the cost of the premiums
  • fitting extra security measures such as a steering wheel lock, immobilising your car and even keeping it in a garage rather than on the side of the road can all go towards lowering your insurance
  • never just renew your insurance each year when the policy needs paying again. Chances are the policy is not the cheapest you could get this year, so look around and compare again.

Remember that when buying your motor cover, policy features and benefits do need comparing for what is included. They can differ and some insurance companies might offer a better deal than others for the same cost.

In a nutshell, to get the best deal on motor insurance use the internet not only as a way of getting the cheapest quotes but also to find out as much as possible for making savings and what to look for in a policy.

David Thomson is Chief Executive of BestDealInsurance an independent specialist broker dedicated to giving consumers the best insurance deal. They offer great value home, life and car insurance.

Drivers Face 10 Percent Car Insurance Hike

Life isn’t getting any easier for motorists in the UK who are reeling from petrol prices rising to 110p/litre. Now car insurance premiums are expected to rise by 10 percent during the course of the year.

An independent financial comparison website has revealed that car insurance prices are likely to leap before the year is out due to a rise in the number of claims. Unfortunately it’s the most loyal customers who will be hit the hardest as car insurance providers introduce discounts to attract new custom and penalise their existing policyholders with premium hikes.

However, it seems an increasing number of customers are privy to this development with around 35,000 people changing their car insurance provider every day - that’s 6.43 million a year.

The ’shop around’ message has never been more important. Renewal quotes generally rise year on year - which is to effectively pay for someone else’s cheap deal. If you want the cheapest car insurance quote you have to search for the best offers.

By shopping around for car insurance, customers could cut premiums by as much as 30 per cent. Thankfully it’s no longer a long-winded process of telephone call after call, or popping into a series of branches to find a competitive deal - now customers can do it all with a click of a button thanks to the explosion in popularity of car insurance comparison websites.

The push to make savings shouldn’t end there, however. Customers can save more cash by driving safely, avoiding convictions and building up a no-claims bonus. If you can afford the outlay consider paying your car insurance annually instead of monthly to avoid interest charges.

The key to cheap car insurance is your performance - and that begins before you step into the car by shopping around for car insurance quotes

What to Do If Your Auto Insurance Adjuster’s Settlement is Too Low

After experiencing a car accident and filing your claim with a claims adjuster, you look forward to receiving a fair settlement offer fast. You may be surprised to learn that chances are your claims adjuster’s first settlement offer could be too low. Why would that be?

One of the reason’s why your claims adjuster’s offer may be too low has to do with the adjuster’s job expectations. Your auto insurance company expects your claims adjuster to settle claims within a certain dollar range. In order to save the company money, the adjuster will often make an offer to you from the low to middle end of your settlement range. Their goal is to settle your case as quickly and cheaply as possible. It may be in your best interest to turn down her first offer, even if it sounds fair to you.

Countering Your Adjuster’s First Offer

What if you have no idea of what dollar value to place on your claim? After all, you probably don’t have an insurance background. You might have no clue about how cases are evaluated to come up with fair settlement numbers. If your claims adjuster has made an offer to you that sounds good why shouldn’t you just take it? Because if it’s the first offer, chances are that it’s still too low.

Try making a counter demand for more money. Be reasonable. For example, if your adjuster has offered you an $8,500 settlement, don’t ask for $100,000. Don’t ask for some outrageously high amount for your settlement just because you know the adjuster is probably making you a low offer. It won’t help settle your case any faster. Counter the adjuster’s offer just enough to begin negotiating a fair price.

Negotiating Your Own Claim

Negotiating your settlement offer on your own is only advised when you are dealing with small settlements. If you have a realistic idea of what your claim is really worth, draft a demand letter including all documentation including any reports, medical bills, receipts and proof of any lost wages to support your case. Close your letter with a demand for a settlement and a time limit for a response.

Make sure that you have thoroughly researched the accident. You should know how much it will cost to repair your vehicle. If the insurance company wants you to use a certain repair shop, investigate the shop thoroughly before you agree.

Document Everything

Document all your medical bills, receipts, estimates for repair, and days off from work. Even if your company paid you for those days, you have the right to request reimbursement since you had to spend your vacation days recuperating from an automobile accident.

Making a request for more money is one thing. But it is not generally advisable for policyholders to handle their own claim, especially if it involves a significant settlement without the proper representation. Take your time to negotiate wisely if you are handling the claim on your own. If it is a large amount of money, it may be wise to hire an attorney.

Working with experienced professionals you trust is essential when dealing with auto insurance claims. Ask friends for referrals, browse the Internet or start making phone calls to make sure that you’ve got the coverage you need and a company which meets your needs.

Choose A Reputable Auto Insurance Company

Be sure that you shop around and not only find the best car insurance rate but that you choose a trusted auto insurer. These auto insurance companies have a trusted reputation for a reason. Performing research and comparing auto insurance companies is a must before making a decision on a policy

How Much Should I Be Paying For Car Insurance? Typical Car Insurance Premiums

Typical car insurance premiums have become a matter of concern, especially for people who want to purchase car insurance. For instance, if a client gives a call to three different car insurance firms, they provide different quotes for insuring the very same car. Below are certain parameters that the insurers take into consideration, for calculating the premiums.

One of the important factors that determines whether the client has to pay low or high premiums is the age of individual involved. Particularly, the insurance firm wants to know, whether the client is above the age of 25 or under it. For instance, clients above the age of 25 years pay lower premiums as compared to those below the age of 25.

Other Important Factors Affecting Car Insurance Premiums:

Apart from age, the second factor that influences car insurance premiums is your occupation. For clients, who work in an industry such as law or banking, insurers offer them better insurance terms, as compared to those who work in more exciting jobs.

Even gender is a crucial factor, in case of typical car insurance premiums. Women are more likely to pay lower car insurance premiums as compared to men. This is due to the fact that they get in fewer accidents.

Another factor that determines the amount paid in premiums is driving experience. More importantly, insurers look out for the points on the driving license and the past driving record. Drivers having good driving record pay lower monthly installments as compared to those having poor driving records.

The other crucial factor that affects the payment of car insurance payments is the value of the car and the type of car that an individual drives. In the case of expensive cars, such as Jaguars and BMW, the premiums are much higher as compared to those on a typical Ford.

In cars, insurers mainly look at the mileage, model, age, type of engine capacity and registration number of the car. They all play an important part in the calculation of rates.

In some cases, the number of miles that an individual drives each year is included in the calculation of the premium. The place of residence is another crucial factor for typical car insurance premiums. The insurance company also takes into account the car theft rate in the local area.

Important Methods To Save On Premiums:

A great method to save money on car insurance is to ensure that the car is secure. For that purpose, individuals need to think about enhancing the security of cars, to drive down their premium rates. It is a standard method of reducing the cost of coverage for your vehicle.

One standard feature of insurance coverage is theft. If the vehicle is easy to steal or to break into, it comes under the high risk category and becomes an attractive proposition for criminals.

Less risk means that the insurer is less likely to have to make financial compensation. It thus, will be reflected in their monthly premiums and overall coverage costs. You can find out how much or little you will need to pay with the help of one of the websites listed below.

Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance Company Review

Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance Company is a solid choice for anyone searching for auto insurance. Read this Liberty Mutual Auto Insurance Company review to get a better understanding of who Liberty Mutual is and then decide if they may be a good choice to meet your car insurance needs.

Automobiles are becoming more and more common in the United States and with them the number of companies that are willing to insure them are on the rise. With so many costumers in the market there is no reason for automobile insurance companies to slow down, and experts are predicting a steady rise in the number of customers in the market in the next years. With the high diversity of customers in the market it is impossible for an automobile insurance company to gain all of the customers, and it is for this reason that there are many big name insurance companies instead of just one. One of the most famous insurers in the United States is one by the name of Liberty Mutual.

Liberty Mutual was founded in July 12, 1912 when the Massachusetts State Legislature passed a law requiring companies to protect their employers with employee compensation insurance. The company quickly gained fame and they launched its first advertising campaign five years later in 1917. The company spread out so fast that in the year 1937 they had expanded through the 48 states and in year 1972 they passed the $2 billion mark in premiums. Nowadays they have expanded all through out the United States (servicing 42 states) and in other countries of the world. They also rank 95 on the Fortune 500 list of largest corporations in the United States based on 2006 revenues, they have an estimated $85.5 billion assets and employ more than 40,000 people I an estimated 900 offices around the world. Other than automobile insurance, the company offers homeowners insurance, workers compensation, commercial multiple peril, general liability, fire insurance and group disability.

Liberty Mutual offers basically one policy which is called “Liberty Guard Auto Insurance”. This insurance plan covers everything from liability, comprehensive, collision and theft; and they offer other extra services in case you want to add anything else. The liability coverage in this policy pays the damages caused by an accident up to policy limits and prevents you from being sued in case that the accident is your fault. The medical payments coverage are mandatory in some states, but for the most part they are optional. They cover you after an accident and allow you to go see a doctor if injury occurs. Last but not least the comprehensive and collision part of your policy prevents you from a loss by covering the repairs your vehicle needs after an accident or if it’s caused by fire, flood, etc. For a little bit more money you will be able to add towing and labor coverage in case you need it at any time.

Liberty Mutual is also well known for their discounts and the money saving options that they give their members. Like all the other automobile insurance companies, their discounts vary by state and what some members might find as money saving options in one state, can literary be non-existing to others in another state. Some of the discounts offers by Liberty Mutual Automobile Insurance Company include but are not limited to Accident Prevention Course, Anti-Lock Brakes, Anti-Theft Devices, Mature Driver, Good Student, Multi-Car Policy and Driver Training Discount. Apart from these discounts, the company allows the potential customer to know some of the basic money saving tips given to every single one of their members. Some of the advice given by Liberty Mutual is to make safety a primary concern when buying your next vehicle. This is important because a car with more safety features will get a lower rate because it will protect its diver better, not to mention that if it has more safety features is usually less to repair.

Other advice given includes to consider a high deductible when its time to decide on a auto insurance plan. A higher deductible is good if you can afford to have it because it will give you lower monthly premiums. However it is important to know that in the case of an accident you will have a higher degree of economic responsibility if your deductible is high. Last but not least, Liberty Mutual tells their drivers and any other people that are looking into getting automobile insurance with them to maintain a good driving record. The less infractions a person has on their driving record, the lower your premium will be and Liberty Mutual awards these drivers with the best rates.

One last thing worth talking about with Liberty Mutual is their additional Personal Liability Protection (PIP) coverage. Liberty Mutual decided to establish this plan simply to allow their customers to protect themselves against potential cases in which they can be sued for millions of dollars. This coverage broads the range of personal injury coverage, protects a member for liability coverage caused by an accident, defends a member against claims and lawsuits and it pays for your defense anywhere in the world.

Liberty Mutual is a great insurance company for anyone that is looking for low-cost and great service. They are given an A rating by A.M. Best due to their excellent customer service satisfaction and financial ratings; and they continue to grow excessively. With their different rates based on type of coverage, deductible and discounts; Liberty Mutual is a great choice for anyone looking for a company with great financial stability and national (as well as global) presence.

Of course, Liberty Mutual is a good company but no one company is the right choice for everyone so be sure and compare quotes from top auto insurance companies side by side. Get started finding the best car insurance rates now!

How To Comparison Shop For Car Insurance

Car insurance is something we all need but it is probably not the kind of thing that we think of to shop around, like a stereo or new TV. But this is something that we all should do every now and then, like every couple of years, instead of just assuming that we are getting our best rate with the carrier we have now. We need to simply make sure that we are still getting the best car insurance value for the money. It goes without saying that there is always a new guy on the block offering even more competitive car insurance.

When you shop around for car insurance, be very cautious if you think you have discovered a better quote. You do not need to be an expert in insurance terminology to find out that you are not comparing apples to apples. For example, if everything looks the same on two policies, look again. Oh yes, one has a $300 deductible and the other one has a $1200 deductible. That is a major difference.

Should you shop for car insurance online? Absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt. But again, be careful. There are no guarantees that just because you found it online means that it is a competitive quote. You need to examine the fine print very carefully, because many times your local insurance agent can do better than what you see there. Although there are many considerations, one of the primary considerations is your driving record, and if you have had good luck with no tickets and no accidents in many years, then you should be a very good shape for getting an aggressive quote, either online or from your local insurance agent.

But if your driving history lacks a little luster, maybe you have an accident or two, maybe combined with a ticket or two, it is going to be tougher to find a good quote for car insurance. It will not be impossible, but you are going to end up paying much more than you would like to.

One of the hard facts of life is that you need to have car insurance if you are going to drive a car on public roads and highways, and almost all states have a requirement to that effect. So given that, do not forget to add the cost of the car insurance that you must carry to the cost of your car payment. Maybe you can afford the car payment, but after you add in the insurance, its just out of your league.

There are many factors that go into pricing car insurance, and one of the main ones is the type of car you want to insure. It does not require a rocket science degree to figure that the cost of insuring a late model Lincoln Town Car is going to be much more than a late model Kia. The overall value of the car is taken into consideration as well as the cost of repairing the car if it gets into an accident. In the same way, a cars crash safety test records indicate how safe the driver is in an accident, and the cost of the car plus the cost of medical bills play into computing insurance costs also.

So shop around and get your best quote for car insurance. Check online pricing but do not assume that that is as good as it gets. The time you put into your shopping will be directly reflected as savings in your wallet.

Insurance Credit Score Explained

Insurance companies can use your credit history when you apply for new auto or home insurance. Here is some valuable information that will help you understand how insurance companies use your credit history.

What is an insurance credit score?

A credit score is a snapshot of your credit at a specific point in time. Insurance companies use information from your credit history and your insurance application to calculate a specific insurance credit score. Your insurance credit score ranges from 0-999, with a higher number conveying a better score.

How is an insurance credit score used?

If your insurance company relies on credit scoring, it might use your credit score to underwrite and rate your policy.

- Underwriting is the process of deciding whether to issue you a new policy or to renew an existing policy.

- Rating is the process that determines how much you pay for insurance. In addition to using credit information, insurance companies will use other, more traditional rating factors to determine the premium you pay for your auto or home insurance policy. Some of these traditional rating factors include:

- Auto Insurance - driving record, type of car you own, where you live.

- Homeowners Insurance - where you live, cost to replace your home, claim history.

How will I know if my credit history has affected my insurance purchase?

The FCRA requires insurance companies to notify consumers if an adverse action is taken because of their credit information. FCRA defines adverse action to include denying or canceling coverage, increasing premiums, or changing the terms, coverage, or amount of coverage in a way that harms the consumer. If an insurer takes an adverse action due to your credit history it also must notify you of the name of the national credit bureau that supplied the information.

Examples of an adverse action include:

-Canceling, denying or not renewing coverage;

-Giving the consumer a limited coverage form;

-Limiting benefits, such as eligibility for dividends;

-Issuing coverage other than for what was applied;

-Not giving the consumer the best rate;

-Not giving the consumer the best discount;

-Adding a premium surcharge.

For more information visit:

Mike Anderson

Insurance Consultant

Cheap Auto Insurance For Those Under 25

Certain age groups get cheap auto insurance very easily. A few age groups, on the other hand, are considered high risks. The importance of knowing the perception insurance companies have of your age group cannot be overemphasized. Moreover, unless you’ve read widely in car insurance, you could be missing discounts that are available to you. I must also note that you can either make saving because of, or in spite of, the age bracket you belong to.

If you belong to a low risk age group, you’re at an advantage. On the other hand, if you are above fifty, you’re part of a very low risk group. This entitles you to some concessions. But bear in mind that you’ll not be entitled to such concessions if your driving record is a poor one.

Is there anything those who find themselves in high risk age brackets can do? Simple — Get married. This will increase your chances of getting cheap auto insurance.

It is an accepted fact that the under-25 years age bracket has the most reckless set of drivers for obvious reasons. The lower the age group the higher the likelihood of recklessness in driving. This is because as people move away from teen years to adulthood, they learn lessons in life that generally make them more careful. In addition, you can count on teenage boys to be wilder on the road than their female counterparts. Compared with the girls, boys within this age bracket will cost more to insure.

Your car insurance premium will be affected by these and other such factors. However, due to its sobering effect, marriage reduces the high risk associated with the under-25 age group.

Anyone who remains reckless after getting married is likely to remain reckless for life. The arrival of a child increases this sense of responsibility even more. Your driving is an area that benefits greatly from the change because you’ll be compelled to be more careful because of your loved ones. This is why getting married makes it easier for you to get cheap auto insurance.

We all understand by now that the higher the age group you belong to (below 70) the lower your car insurance premium given a similar profile. Therefore, your car insurance premium can be lowered dramatically by being on your parents’ car insurance policy.

To use this option your car has to be registered in your parents’ name. Has that removed the attractiveness? Apart from this, any young person who wants to follow this route has to live with their parents. This makes it even less attractive. Independence comes at a cost — Responsibilities.

Many factors determine if you can get cheap auto insurance. How your age affects you car insurance has been the subject of this article. However, you must note that its relevancy score will not be the same in every insurance company. There will, therefore, be a disparity in the quotes you get from different insurance companies. It is not unusual to have difference of $1000 for a comparable profile and coverage. This is why getting and comparing quotes from different companies is key to getting cheap auto insurance. Go get and compare auto insurance quotes now.

Here are my favorite car insurance quotes sites…

Hometown Auto Insurance Quotes in Minutes

Auto Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes for Car Insurance.

Put Yourself in the Driver’s Seat For Cheap Car Insurance

While millions of shoppers scour the high street every January in search of those new-year bargains, millions of drivers could enjoy similar savings without leaving the comfort of their own home.

January is car insurance renewal time for a large number of the nation’s drivers who either picked up their vehicles as Christmas presents in years gone by, or took advantage of new-year rebates from dealers and manufacturers.

For most people, buying a car is one of the biggest financial commitments they will make, accounting for between four and five per cent of household income. However, the payments don’t stop at your car loan - maintenance, petrol, and crucially, car insurance premiums all eat away at our bank balances.

Yet you could save hundreds of pounds each year by shopping around for cheap car insurance.

The emergence of car insurance comparison tools means that you can receive quotes from dozens of providers in seconds just by entering some simple details about yourself and the car you drive. When you compare car insurance in this way, not only will you receive numerous quotes instead of just one (helping you to find a cheaper policy), but you’ll save a lot of time too.

You can even search for manufacturer specific policies - such as BMW car insurance - helping you find the cheapest quotes for the car you drive.

It is important however, to look beyond price and consider what is included and excluded in each policy. Does your insurer offer a courtesy car in the event of a breakdown? What is the excess charged? Always read the small print.

You could save hundreds by shopping around for cheap car insurance Search for manufacturer specific car insurance offers, such as BMW car insurance, to secure the best deals.

How to Find the Best Rates on Automobile Insurance in Tennessee

You can find the best rates on automobile insurance in Tennessee by purchasing a vehicle that car insurance companies view as safe. Tennessee auto insurers are more likely to offer low rate car insurance to drivers who own safe vehicles because they view those drivers as less risky. So, in order to get a cheap quote on car insurance in Tennessee, you need to make yourself and your vehicle safer!

If you havent yet purchased a new car (even if it will technically be a used vehicle but new to you), keep in mind that auto insurance companies look at:

Theft likelihood

Car price

Repairs cost

Car safety record

Youre more likely to get a cheap quote on car insurance in Tennessee if you purchase an inexpensive, modest vehicle with a great safety rating than a flashy, pricey foreign number thatll cost an entire paycheck to repair. And think about it: would a car thief be more likely to steal a family sedan or a two-seater convertible?

However, even if you already own a vehicle (and arent willing to purchase a new one just to save on coverage!), you can still get some of the best rates on automobile insurance in Tennessee. Youll just need to take a few extra steps:

Install safety features (anti-theft devices, car alarms)

Store your car in a safe place (well-lit or gated parking lot, garage)

Install child safety features (LATCH, rear lap belts with shoulder straps)

And the changes dont stop with your automobile. There are also steps you can take aside from modifying the safety of your vehicle to get a cheap quote on car insurance in Tennessee:

Improve your credit score

Repair your driving record

Take a driver education course

Sign up for a mature driver course (if youre a senior)

Contact your Tennessee auto insurer once youve made these changes.

Recommended sites for low rate insurance

Best Rate Auto Insurance Quotes in Tennessee
Save Money Combining Auto & Home Insurance

Men in the Driver’s Seat With Car Insurance

When it comes to attention to detail women are the wiser sex - unless those details relate to car insurance.

A recent survey has revealed that women are far more likely to check the fine print on products than men - and are even twice as likely to do so on food and drink. However, when it comes to car insurance males lead the way with 56 percent of men reading through the policy document thoroughly compared to 50 percent of women.

Perhaps it goes back to the old image that men are more interested in motoring than their female counterparts. It applies to technology too because men are also more likely to examine the fine print of a broadband contract, a mobile phone or a cable agreement.

However, with more than one million Brits having an insurance claim refuted in the last 12 months, it’s vital you check the small print regardless of your gender. When it comes to car insurance many people see it as an unfortunate legality and therefore only search for the cheapest deal they can find. This has been furthered by the growth of price comparison websites, which encourage users to make savings.

Nevertheless it’s certainly worth reading through the policy’s terms and conditions before you apply for car insurance. Look out for exclusions, such as the circumstances in which a payout will be granted, and consider what you will get if an accident does occur. For example, do you want a courtesy car or will onward travel to your destination be sufficient? Are you covered for acts of vandalism as well as theft?

By all means shop around for cheap car insurance - but make sure it fulfills your needs too. Check your car insurance policy so you don’t make a purchase you’ll ultimately regret.

Don’t Pay The Price For Apathy Towards Phone Dangers

Many of us look up to celebrities and treat them as role models, but those thinking of following the example of using a mobile phone while driving, set by Frank Lampard, Ashley Cole and Jeremy Clarkson, should think again.

Research from a car insurance comparison website states that despite high-profile advertising campaigns, one in two of us still claim we have seen someone using a mobile phone and texting while driving, while one in three of us admit to doing it ourselves.

Despite the apparent apathy from motorists, police have adopted a zero tolerance policy. In 2007, the number of motorists using handheld devices leapt by 42 per cent, but convictions also increased by 18 per cent month-to-month. Clearly drivers still believe they can send a text message without losing control of their vehicle. However, taking your eyes off the road even for a second can lead to a potentially fatal accident.

In addition, using a mobile phone behind the wheel can drive up your car insurance premiums. Being convicted of using a mobile phone while driving will almost certainly lead to a rise in your car insurance renewal costs and your insurer could even refuse to pay out on a claim.

So what is the solution?

The best advice is to switch your mobile phones off while driving. If you feel you can’t afford to do this, then pull over into a safe place to return any phone calls you receive. Alternatively, fit a hands-free kit so you won’t have to take your hands off the wheel.

Check your car insurance policy too, to see if your insurer will refuse a payout in the event that you are the cause of a mobile phone-related accident. Hanging on to cheap car insurance is surely worth more than hanging on the telephone.

Car Insurance Quote Comparisons in Colorado - Finding the Best CO Auto Insurance Quotes

Taking time out of your schedule to check out car insurance quote comparisons in Colorado may not be your idea of a fun time, but it is a worthwhile exercise. Drivers in CO, and in other parts of the United States, can save a considerable amount of money on their car insurance by comparing quotes from several insurance companies.

How Much Coverage Do You Need?

The first step before you start looking at quotes is to find out how much coverage you need. By law, Colorado drivers are required to carry a minimum level of insurance, but this may not enough for your needs. You need to consider the value of all of your assets and make sure you have sufficient car insurance coverage to make sure that they are protected.

Get Quotes For The Level Of Coverage You Need

Once you know how much insurance you want to buy, you can get quotes from a number of insurance companies for that level of coverage. By requesting quotes for the level of coverage that you need, it will make the process of comparing quotes from several companies a lot easier.

What If You File A Claim?

No matter how good the rate you are being quoted on premiums is, you need to get some more information before you can make a decision about which car insurance company is the right one for you. One thing you need to find out is whether your premiums will go up after you make a claim against your policy. Another important detail you need to make sure you understand is what circumstances your insurance company considers as serious enough to cancel your policy.

Comparing Colorado Auto Insurance Quotes Online

Once you go through these steps for auto insurance quote comparisons in Colorado, you will be well on your way to getting the best policy for your personal situation. You can start finding out what is available to you right now by comparing quotes from top companies side by side.

Van Insurance Policy Cancellations Rise Due to Credit Problems

Recently in the UK there has been an increase in van insurance cancellations which theorists believe could have been caused by the global problems in the financial markets. It seems that business owners are scrutinising every penny they spend and every monthly cost in an effort to stay competitive.

The UK insurance market is extremely competitive with a huge amount of choice available via online quote systems. There are five or six major comparison sites offering commercial vehicle and van insurance and hundreds of smaller online brokers and direct insurers; this has not gone unnoticed by financially savvy business owners. All this choice brings new opportunities to cut costs as in some cases it makes more sense to cancel a policy and look online for a really cheap quote.

Every direct insurer and broker has their own terms covering policy cancellations although the terms offered by brokers are more standard than the individual insurers. A typical broker will charge based on a percentage sliding scale plus a fixed administrative fee.

One well known van insurance broker bases their fees on a cost of 30% for the first month and an increase of 10% every month thereafter. Finally a fee of 45 is charged to cover the administration cost. For example if a 1,000 policy is cancelled in month 2 then the total cancellation cost will be 40% plus the administrative fee. In this case the total cancellation fee is 445, meaning a refund of 555 will be issued assuming that the policy was bought in full. In the case of monthly payments it is likely that a payment must be made by the customer to the broker in order to settle any balance due.

Using the above calculation as a guide, customers can carefully consider the cost savings in getting a very cheap quote online and buying the policy from the refund from the cancelled policy. The other option is to simply reduce their monthly payments if choosing the credit option. Once the quotes are obtained it could be possible to further reduce the premium by taking off convenient extras such as an any driver clause.

The cost savings are not huge however and the highest savings will be made by small business owners who have simply renewed their premium with their current broker or insurer without first comparing prices online.

Get an online van insurance quote using to see if cancelling your policy might be a viable option to lower your monthly costs.

Fronting Your Insurance 1

Car insurance providers have hit out at young drivers who are on the vehicle’s policy as only a named driver but in fact are the main driver. The method of insuring a young person on a vehicle in such a way is called fronting. This is illegal and any claims you wish to make in the event of an accident will become void.

An expert has said that “Not only can it lead to a claim being refused but also both the young person and their parents can be charged with insurance fraud.”

Thousands of fronting cases take place all over the UK with the majority of people not actually knowing it is illegal. People are not willing to pay the high premiums that young drivers are faced with and see this as a loophole in the system. A young driver can expect to pay in the regions of 1,500 onwards for their first insurance policy so it is no surprise that this process is so popular, fronting could enable them to pay 10% of their original quote.

With the new term starting, and thousands of students off to university on low budgets, fronting is at its highest towards the end of the year. Parents will be down as the main driver but in fact their children will be the person using it every day, it is a dangerous game if they were to have an accident as claims will instantly be rejected.

Insurance companies are picking up on fronting more and more, details of where the accident happened are taken down and if it is near where the student is studying then it may result in a claim being rejected.

Cheap car insurance may be located if you compare car insurance quotes from numerous providers, after a thorough search you will find the best car insurance deal for you.

Car Insurance - In the Event of an Accident (Part 2)

The following article continues the points made in part 1, detailing the steps that should be taken following a car accident.

Assuming you are not in an unfit state then now is the time to contact your insurance company if you have not already. The majority of insurance companies are used to receiving calls from those not long involved in road accidents and are therefore quite sympathetic and helpful.

To begin with you will simply need to inform your insurance company, who will then begin their inquires; here you will be issued with a claims reference number that should be used in any further correspondence.

Although you may not feel up to it, now is the best time to thoroughly detail the events of the accident. In the weeks following the accident you will be required to complete a highly detailed police questionnaire, which will have to be a sound and accurate description of what happened. Chances are you will also be required to sketch out on paper what happened, making particular note of road layouts, speed limits etc.

At the same time of completing the questionnaire you will also have to decide whether or not you would like to prosecute the other party(s).

Many choose to leave this to the police, assuming that they will have collected all of the required details. More often than not though, they do not; and the information you collect here will be vital in helping both you and your insurer down the line.

If any injuries develop or become apparent following the accident then it’s important the police are informed immediately. You are given a maximum of 24 hours in which you can be issued with an Accident Number.

You may have mixed feelings about returning to the road after an accident, however many believe that it is best to get back behind the wheel as soon as you can. Therefore, if your car was deemed unusable in the accident and a car hire was not arranged through your insurance you will have to arrange your own hire.

The cost of this will form part of your car insurance claim if you are not held responsible. As you can probably imagine hiring a car for the duration it can take to get your main method of transport reinstated can prove quite costly, for this reason it is important you have adequate car insurance. Cheap car insurance deals can be easily sourced online.

Car Insurance Quote Comparisons in Washington

It is very important to do car insurance quote comparisons in Washington when you are looking for auto insurance. Don’t automatically accept your renewal rates or the first quote you get. To be sure you’re getting the best deal and the best coverage you must do car insurance quote comparisons. In Washington, as in many parts of the country, premiums can vary greatly. That is why now more than ever, it is vital to do comprehensive auto insurance quote comparisons before buying a policy in Washington.

Get a variety of quotes from different companies. Experts recommend getting quotes from no fewer than 3 insurance companies when you are looking for a policy. However, the more quotes you get the better your chances of finding a great deal on a great policy.

Compare coverage and price. There are standard policies that are required in every state and Washington is no exception, however you will find that there may be slight variations in what one company calls full coverage and what another does. Evaluate all the coverage that is quoted and determine if you want or need the “free” and “low-cost” extras. By removing these or at least factoring them in as you compare, you will do a much more accurate comparison.

Compare the companies themselves. Not all companies are created equal. Maybe the one that is offering you the awesome price is on the verge of folding and is scrambling to get more clients. Maybe they have a terrible customer service record and clients are canceling their policies in favor of more user-friendly companies.

You need to know such information. That is why a vital part of car insurance quote comparisons in Washington includes checking out the company. The independent auto insurance ratings companies will tell you about the insurer’s financial stability. A simple Internet search will tell you about the customer service record.

To get started on your car insurance quote comparisons in Washington, you need quotes. To do so quickly and easily, be sure and compare rates from a number of different companies online. In no time you’ll have all the quotes you need to compare and find the best policy for you.

Bless You - The Sneezes That Affect Two Million Motorists

Hay fever season is here and that means more watery eyes, blocked noses, frequent sneezing and car insurance claims.

Research commissioned by car insurance provider ensure estimates more than two million UK motorists will have an accident, near miss, or lose control of their vehicle as a result of sneezing while driving. In total there are more than 20 million sufferers of hay fever in the UK and more than half of the motorists surveyed admitted to temporarily closing their eyes while sneezing and one third regularly take their eyes off the road to search for tissues.

All of this leads to more accidents and even if they are not serious in their own right, they will quickly bump up car insurance premiums as drivers risk blowing away their no-claims discounts.

Drivers who suffer particularly badly should avoid getting behind the wheel altogether when the pollen count is high. However, if your journey is unavoidable then take steps to minimise the risk of a sneezing related accident.

For example, motorists should keep windows closed as pollution from exhausts exacerbates hay fever. When possible avoid going out in the early evening when the pollen count is high and wear wrap-around sunglasses when behind the wheel.

Check your air conditioning and ensure the vents work properly to keep dust, moisture and pollen out. Also regularly vacuum your car and ensure any medicine you take is non-drowsy before you get behind the wheel. Pets should also be kept out of cars as animal hairs and dust mites can make your condition worse.

Remember that car insurance providers only offer cheap car insurance to low-risk drivers. If your accident record is high due to sneezing fits you’ll pay the price - so keep tissues and allergy relief tablets to hand.

Really Cheap Car Insurance - You Want it Cheap?

Car insurance is one type of insurance which is necessary for people all over the world. Nobody can risk his car to the dangerous roads without his car being insured. Some countries have legalized the insurance of cars as the frequency of road rages and accidents have shoot up several times as compared to the last few years. Due to constant selling of insurance plans, most of these have become very cheap. So nowadays it is not that difficult to find cheap car insurance. But many people do not what to do and where to start search for the cheapest car insurance available in the market. So here are some useful facts which would help and guide a person with choosing the best and the cheapest car insurance scheme so that he could save most of his money and use it in some other task.

For those people who have not purchased their car yet, they should buy such an insurance scheme that is affordable and sits in their pocket easily along with safe and durable. Car insurance companies easily provide cheap car insurance to those people whose cars are not likely to be stole easily. In other words, those people who do not boast about their new car can get a car insurance easily because less people would know about their new purchase and hence the chances of getting stolen would reduce up to a great extent. Further, the company also seeks that if the car is damaged then the repairing cost of the car would be cheap or expensive. It is quite difficult for those to get a cheap car insurance who have those cars which have an expensive maintenance cost.

For those who have already purchased their car, they must make it sure that they have taken all the precautions and installed all the security and burglar devices in their car. They must make their car as safe as possible to protect it from thieves and burglars. The car must be locked while being parked and should be parked in a well lit area or garage if the person has it. They should also drive safely following all the traffic rules so that the chances of getting damage to the car get minimized. A well maintained car gets a cheap insurance easily than any other car. So the car should be kept safe and maintained properly so that the person could get the insurance easily. Nowadays, the insurance can also be granted online through the internet that too with the same cheap rates as from the company itself.

Insurance Score - What it Is, How it Affects Your Auto Insurance Rates and How to Make it Serve You

Do you know what your insurance score is? Do you know what affects it? Do you know how it’s used to determine what you pay as rates? Do you know how to adjust it to your advantage? This article will help you with all these questions…

First let’s define the term…

According to the Insurance Information Institute it is “a numerical ranking based on a person’s credit history.” Studies have shown a correlation between the way a person manages his/her finance and their likelihood of filing a claim.

Those who have poor scores are statistically more likely to file claims. Therefore, this makes it rather clear that the better a person insurance score is, then the cheaper their rates will be all other things being equal.

Furthermore, since this score is based solely on a person’s credit history, it goes to say that to get a better score, one needs to take steps to improve his/her credit rating.

Steps to improve your credit rating…

1. Pay your bills on time. Never miss payments. These will affect your credit rating negatively. That’s apart from the facts that you’ll have to pay more as interest and that your creditor might be compelled to increase your interest rates due to the risk involved in lending to you.

2. Check your credit report yearly and make sure you correct any errors you find.

3. As much as possible, use only a few credit cards.

4. Make sure you do NOT use more than 30% of your available credit at any point in time.

So what else can you do to get cheaper insurance rates?

Much as most (If not all) insurers use your insurance score to determine your rate, they do NOT all give it the same relevancy score. Remember, there are many other factors that are used to determine a prospect’s risk or otherwise to an insurer.

Furthermore, different insurers target different markets and as well have different loss histories among other things. This simply means that you’ll get different quotes from different insurers.

Therefore, to get the best rate quote, make sure you get and compare quotes from a wide range of reputable insurers.

Here are great pages for auto insurance quotes.

InsureMe Auto Insurance Quotes

Auto Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

How to Save on DUI Car Insurance

Owning transport vehicles is very much expensive nowadays. There are two reasons as to why this is so:

1. The cost of fuel is rising crazily.
2. The cost of car insurance is rising crazily too.

And one has to take into consideration the cost of maintaining a car and other operation costs as well.

One nightmare to think about is the cost of insurance. Insurance is good because the car owner is assured of any money compensation once something awful happens to the vehicle. Never mind that it’s required by law!

Cars are not necessarily cheap, you know.

However, the bad news about insurance is, the yearly premiums to pay can really burn a hole in the wallet. And if nothing bad happens to the car, like it does not get into any accident, or worst, gets car-napped, the money just goes happily into the pockets of the insurance companies. But of course, one does not really wish for anything bad to happen, right?

That’s the double whammy when it comes to car insurance.

But then what if an accident did occur? And in the worst possible light possible, the accident occurred because the driver was DUI or driving under the influence?

How does the insurance quote the car owner on that?

First, DUI is against the law. It is practically common sense to not drink and drive!

However when circumstances just occur, how does one save on DUI car insurance? As you likely know, it gets extremely expensive. We looked at some things our friends in Georgia did to lower their costs.

Some companies hold a niche in offering car insurance for those involved in DUI. They might have more competitive and attractive rates than those who does not specialize. Look for those companies as they may offer some very competitive rates, but be sure to include traditional insurance companies as well. Get lots and lots of quotes.

One way to get a lot of quotes quickly is to use online quote tool to canvass the rates available. There are many of online quote tools to choose from. One can see what a state like Georgia is offering at a given time. This saves a whole lot of effort on the car owner’s part.

The other thing to remember is that while a DUI is a large “negative” mark, that doesn’t mean “positive” marks still don’t count! Insurance plans offer discounts for things like students, driving experience, good grades, taking safety courses, and so forth. Take advantage of every one of these discount credits you can, no matter how boring a driving safety class sounds.

If you’re not a member, also be sure to check with your auto club for discounts and programs that may help. They may be able to provide you with a good deal on insurance, or help you find programs and classes that will give you discounts.

Also, consider downgrading the car. Older, more inexpensive cars tend to be cheaper to insure. Plus with gas prices nowadays, you might want to downgrade to a smaller vehicle. You may even be able to sell your car for a cheaper one to help pay for the new insurance bill.

Of course, even after much looking around you will find that DUI car insurance will never be what you’d call cheap, so please be responsible and never drive under the influence again!

Faced with a DUI conviction and rising insurance bills? Visit Georgia SR-22 Insuranceand find out how you can keep your insurance rates from going sky-high.

Progressive Auto Insurance Company Website Review

Walk into any room filled with people who have auto insurance and ask them to name an auto insurance company and there’s an excellent chance that most of them will say “Progressive.” We have all seen their TV ads and their billboards. We know that they claim their website is extremely easy to use. We see them everywhere; and I don’t know about you, but when I see their advertising, it makes me feel like I can trust them. I decided to pay a little visit to their website and see for myself if Progressive Insurance lives up to its reputation. Here’s what I found in a ten minute website visit.

User Friendly Website?

Here’s what you’ll find when you visit the Progressive website. First, you see the famed white SUV barreling up an incline- presumably on their way to help you out in a crisis. You also see their “Get a Quote” box immediately. With the words “save hundreds” and “lower” enticing me I entered Auto and my zip code and sat back to wait. Very quickly I get sent to an information page that allowed me to continue on my own or connect with a representative who could chat with me and give me a hand.

At first, I was happy with how quickly the website was moving along. Then we reached a question where I incorrectly entered information and then tried to change it. The system got hung up and wouldn’t accept my corrected information. At this point I needed to access an agent for help. I must admit, this is frustrating to me. I like to do things online quickly and efficiently and when I get involved in customer service chats, things generally get bogged down as they ask me all the questions I already filled out on the form. Strike one.

I tried to return to the home page without completing my quote request and I had to enter my email address before I could get a link back to home. Strike Two.

The home page offers many different links to gather information about Progressive Insurance. It also offers several options for getting business taken care of. You can call by land line phone, you can use your cell or PDA, you can text message, email or chat. They offer online billing and paperless documents of your policies and other information. This is a huge Hit!

Each page I visited allowed me to get an instant quote, sign in to my account, or link to other information, including the home page. This is a big Hit as well.

I continued exploring the site and eventually began a chat with a customer service representative. She was friendly, very helpful and was eager and prepared to help me. HOMERUN!

The Importance of Your Representative

Don’t underestimate the importance of the professionalism and friendliness of your agent or customer service representative. This can speak volumes about the company itself. Remember, when you’ve got the stress and pressure that lead to the need to file a claim, you don’t want to deal with a difficult “helper” on the other end of the phone line. Looking into the customer service satisfaction rates of different companies can tell you a lot.

So, where does Progressive Insurance rate with me, after a 10 minute website, visit? They provided me with enough options and help that I would definitely continue on with a quote request or any other question. While the process isn’t perfect they do have a great reputation and the people on the phone seemed genuinely interested in helping me.

Compare Multiple Companies

Progressive auto insurance company may be a good choice for your car insuranceneeds but be sure that you shop around and compare quotes from multiple companies.

Teenage Car Insurance - Is There Any Hope For Low Rates?

So, your teenager is ready to start driving. An always scary time, but now is not the time to panic. No, now is the time to get car insurance for your teenaged driver. You go online, pull up some rates, and promptly begin to…panic!

Yes, teenage car insurance is expense. Really, really expensive. So expensive that you might question the usefulness of this whole “driving” thing. What in the world is going on here?

Well, as you may know, insurance is priced based on the risk assessed by the actuary. Basically, teens are considered very high risk drivers, and are therefore subject to fairly extreme rates, as you’ve probably noticed. Teens get into accidents much more often than other drivers, and this shows itself in the rates you get.

If you’re a slightly budget conscious person, you’re probably wondering how you can lower this cost. Simple answer: wait until your teen gets older. Insurance will get cheaper then, because they will be in a lower risk category.

Not the reply you wanted to hear? Well, as it turns out, there are several ways of slightly reducing the cost off teenage car insurance. If your teen is a good student (typically B or better), you can often get a good student discount from your insurance company. It’s not a lot, but every bit helps.

Another way to save money is to take part in a drivers ed course. This is a good idea anyways, but it will seem like an even better investment when you see the savings on your car insurance bill month after month.

Another great way to save money is to make sure that your teen is a girl. That’s right, in most states, guys will have to pay a lot more than girls for the same level of coverage. This is because guys are a higher risk than girls, since they get into more accidents.

Of course, the best way to save on insurance is to be a good driver. By avoiding any incidents, your teen will build up a good driving record, which will help save money on insurance into the future. Not to mention, good driving could help save your teens life.

So, you can see that there is no magic bullet for saving money on teenage car insurance. However, if your teen has taken drivers ed, is a good student, and continues to drive well, you might just be able to avoid paying the highest rates. Otherwise, just hang in there, the teen years don’t last forever!

Fast Auto Insurance Quotes - It is Not So Much the Speed That Counts

It is very easy to get fast auto insurance quotes online. Before computers you would have had to visit numerous auto insurance offices if you wanted to compare quotes, or spend a fortune on telephone calls, but now it is possible to get a quote and an insuring agreement in a matter of minutes.

The easiest way to get a fast automobile insurance policy is to go onto the internet and fill in an online insurance quotation form. You will then be provided with a quotation either online or by email, based on the level of auto coverage that you have chosen. Not only that but you can compare quotes provided by a number of auto insurance companies for private passenger autos, so long as you have given them all the same details.

Unless you compare apples with apples, the quotes will not be comparable, so you are best to work from a list containing all of the information that you might be asked to provide. That way each company will be provided with the same information from which to calculate their price. Auto insurance rates will vary according to the various options you have chosen, and also other factors that could earn you discounts such as a good driving record and lack of claims made.

The longer you have gone without making a claim the lower will be your policy cost. The same will be true if you have taken any form of advanced or defensive driving course or have even installed special security and safety features on your car. As the risk of you and your passengers being injured, or of your car being stolen, reduces so your insurance price reduces with it. However, there are other ways of reducing your costs other than these.

If you are insuring your children they will probably be cheaper to be included on your insurance policy. Sure, they will eventually have to get their own policies, but by then they might be earning more money or even have a good driving record that will give them a cheaper policy. You might find that your company offers employee discounts through their own fleet insurance policy, or that even your employment itself entitles you to a discount. Perhaps your zip code or post code will entitle you to a discount if you live in a low car crime area.

If you don’t use your car to travel to work you can negotiate a reduction, as you can if you keep your car locked in a garage when not being used. There are several other factors - age, for example. Young drivers tend to have most accidents so their premiums are heavily weighted, whereas older drivers pay less. On the other hand, if you opt for collision and/or comprehensive cover then you will pay more.

The same is true if you feel that your state minimum liability insurance is too low and you opt for more, or if you decide to take out personal injury protection (PIP) to cover your own medical expenses in the event of a collision. The state liability does not cover you if you cause the accident, and the last worry you want after causing a collision is how you are going to pay your medical expenses. Uninsured and underinsured drivers cover will also add to the price.

Fast auto insurance quotes are easy to get, although it is not so much the speed that counts with online car insurance quotations, but the ability to compare a large number of auto insurance companies is a short period of time. It is this comparison that gets you the cheapest car insurance quote online, not just fast quotes. You can compare the auto insurance rates of a number of companies and then choose the cheapest two or three to negotiate with.

You can use your deductible to negotiate the lowest possible price from each automobile insurance company on your short-list, and so find the cheapest that you can for the information you have provided. Fast auto insurance quotes are certainly useful when you are in a hurry to insure your vehicle, but it is comparison and playing one against another that gets you the cheapest.

(c) Copyright 2008 - Brent A. Kenny.

Save Money with a Smart Online Auto Insurance Comparison

Auto insurance coverage can eat away at your personal income in a hurry if you’re not careful. This is especially true if you have one or more teen drivers, several cars, or any type of family auto insurance policy. Fortunately, there are ways to see if you’re paying too much for your car insurance. One way is very easy and only takes a few moments - try an online auto insurance comparison.

When you do an online auto insurance comparison, you’re saving time by using one source to find out what many companies have to offer. You can compare pricing and policies easily without ever leaving your desk. You can also see if there are better offerings than the car insurance company you are already using. You might be surprised at the savings when choosing car insurance online. With the Internet, consumers are able to shop around and discover new, more affordable companies. This has created more competition among car insurance companies, thus, resulting in overall lower premiums.

Simple Ways to Save Money with Car Insurance Online

Look for ways you can save money on your premiums with an online auto insurance comparison. Many insurance companies will offer discounts for various reasons. Compare the discounts offered by each company and how they will affect your premium. Some of the discounts available include senior citizen discounts, combined coverage, low-risk occupations, safety features on your car, and group plans offered by professional organizations. Let’s explore a few of these and how they can benefit you - and your wallet.

If you belong to certain auto clubs, you might receive discounts on your insurance. For example, AAA members can often receive discounts. There are many auto clubs and group insurance plans to help you get lower rates. If you work in a certain type of occupation, you may be eligible for a discount. Insurance companies base many of their premiums on statistical data. For one reason or another, certain occupations produce safer drivers and result in lower insurance premiums.

If you insure your home and car with the same company, you might be able to combine policies to enjoy savings on insurance. Not all companies offer this option, but you can ask to be sure. Some insurance companies will reduce your premium simply for paying your bills on time and keeping a clean driving record. Also, choose a low-profile, non-sporty car with extra safety features; this can lower your insurance rates.

Compare Deductibles and Coverage

Two things to compare in an online auto insurance comparison are the deductibles and coverage offered by each company. Most policies will be cheaper if you choose a higher deductible. This means you are assuming more of the risk. Also, compare coverage for liability, collision, and comprehensive policies. Prices will vary according to the amount of coverage you choose. You must meet your state’s minimal insurance requirements, but you might not need all that’s offered. Choosing only the needful coverage will lower your rates as well.

You’ll find it extremely easy to do an online auto insurance comparison. It’s so simple you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it earlier. It can save you hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on your insurance. This will free up money each year for savings, college funds, vacations, or bills.

With auto insurance online, you’ll be able to select insurance that works for you and fits your budget!

Car Insurance - Are You Paying Over the Odds?

I’m sure many of you have, at one point or other, been on the receiving end of seemingly exorbitant premiums.

Whether this is a cause of points on your licence, an unexpected loss of no claims due to collision or merely the result of buying that speedy little car you’ve had your eye on for years, it can still be a nasty surprise.

There are a few things you can do however to decrease the price of those monster policies and here they are:

Don’t accept the renewal you receive from your existing insurer as 9 times out of 10, you will find a cheaper policy by searching around online.

Do be as accurate as you can with your estimated mileage - rounding up this figure will cost more as you will be increasing your risk due to more time spent on the road.

Add an older more experienced driver to your policy - this will bring the premium down as having this less risky driver makes you a safer prospect.

If you can afford to pay out a higher excess at the time of a claim you can increase this figure on a prospective policy to bring the premium down. (Please be aware this decrease is not proportional to the amount you have increased your excess by, i.e. if you increase your excess from 250 - 500 you will not usually save 250 on your premium).

If your vehicle does not have an immobiliser or alarm system consider getting one or both installed as this will mean your car is at less risk off theft and bring that premium down further still.