Saturday, May 23, 2009

Bless You - The Sneezes That Affect Two Million Motorists

Hay fever season is here and that means more watery eyes, blocked noses, frequent sneezing and car insurance claims.

Research commissioned by car insurance provider ensure estimates more than two million UK motorists will have an accident, near miss, or lose control of their vehicle as a result of sneezing while driving. In total there are more than 20 million sufferers of hay fever in the UK and more than half of the motorists surveyed admitted to temporarily closing their eyes while sneezing and one third regularly take their eyes off the road to search for tissues.

All of this leads to more accidents and even if they are not serious in their own right, they will quickly bump up car insurance premiums as drivers risk blowing away their no-claims discounts.

Drivers who suffer particularly badly should avoid getting behind the wheel altogether when the pollen count is high. However, if your journey is unavoidable then take steps to minimise the risk of a sneezing related accident.

For example, motorists should keep windows closed as pollution from exhausts exacerbates hay fever. When possible avoid going out in the early evening when the pollen count is high and wear wrap-around sunglasses when behind the wheel.

Check your air conditioning and ensure the vents work properly to keep dust, moisture and pollen out. Also regularly vacuum your car and ensure any medicine you take is non-drowsy before you get behind the wheel. Pets should also be kept out of cars as animal hairs and dust mites can make your condition worse.

Remember that car insurance providers only offer cheap car insurance to low-risk drivers. If your accident record is high due to sneezing fits you’ll pay the price - so keep tissues and allergy relief tablets to hand.

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