Saturday, May 23, 2009

Progressive Auto Insurance Company Website Review

Walk into any room filled with people who have auto insurance and ask them to name an auto insurance company and there’s an excellent chance that most of them will say “Progressive.” We have all seen their TV ads and their billboards. We know that they claim their website is extremely easy to use. We see them everywhere; and I don’t know about you, but when I see their advertising, it makes me feel like I can trust them. I decided to pay a little visit to their website and see for myself if Progressive Insurance lives up to its reputation. Here’s what I found in a ten minute website visit.

User Friendly Website?

Here’s what you’ll find when you visit the Progressive website. First, you see the famed white SUV barreling up an incline- presumably on their way to help you out in a crisis. You also see their “Get a Quote” box immediately. With the words “save hundreds” and “lower” enticing me I entered Auto and my zip code and sat back to wait. Very quickly I get sent to an information page that allowed me to continue on my own or connect with a representative who could chat with me and give me a hand.

At first, I was happy with how quickly the website was moving along. Then we reached a question where I incorrectly entered information and then tried to change it. The system got hung up and wouldn’t accept my corrected information. At this point I needed to access an agent for help. I must admit, this is frustrating to me. I like to do things online quickly and efficiently and when I get involved in customer service chats, things generally get bogged down as they ask me all the questions I already filled out on the form. Strike one.

I tried to return to the home page without completing my quote request and I had to enter my email address before I could get a link back to home. Strike Two.

The home page offers many different links to gather information about Progressive Insurance. It also offers several options for getting business taken care of. You can call by land line phone, you can use your cell or PDA, you can text message, email or chat. They offer online billing and paperless documents of your policies and other information. This is a huge Hit!

Each page I visited allowed me to get an instant quote, sign in to my account, or link to other information, including the home page. This is a big Hit as well.

I continued exploring the site and eventually began a chat with a customer service representative. She was friendly, very helpful and was eager and prepared to help me. HOMERUN!

The Importance of Your Representative

Don’t underestimate the importance of the professionalism and friendliness of your agent or customer service representative. This can speak volumes about the company itself. Remember, when you’ve got the stress and pressure that lead to the need to file a claim, you don’t want to deal with a difficult “helper” on the other end of the phone line. Looking into the customer service satisfaction rates of different companies can tell you a lot.

So, where does Progressive Insurance rate with me, after a 10 minute website, visit? They provided me with enough options and help that I would definitely continue on with a quote request or any other question. While the process isn’t perfect they do have a great reputation and the people on the phone seemed genuinely interested in helping me.

Compare Multiple Companies

Progressive auto insurance company may be a good choice for your car insuranceneeds but be sure that you shop around and compare quotes from multiple companies.

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