Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fast Auto Insurance Quotes - It is Not So Much the Speed That Counts

It is very easy to get fast auto insurance quotes online. Before computers you would have had to visit numerous auto insurance offices if you wanted to compare quotes, or spend a fortune on telephone calls, but now it is possible to get a quote and an insuring agreement in a matter of minutes.

The easiest way to get a fast automobile insurance policy is to go onto the internet and fill in an online insurance quotation form. You will then be provided with a quotation either online or by email, based on the level of auto coverage that you have chosen. Not only that but you can compare quotes provided by a number of auto insurance companies for private passenger autos, so long as you have given them all the same details.

Unless you compare apples with apples, the quotes will not be comparable, so you are best to work from a list containing all of the information that you might be asked to provide. That way each company will be provided with the same information from which to calculate their price. Auto insurance rates will vary according to the various options you have chosen, and also other factors that could earn you discounts such as a good driving record and lack of claims made.

The longer you have gone without making a claim the lower will be your policy cost. The same will be true if you have taken any form of advanced or defensive driving course or have even installed special security and safety features on your car. As the risk of you and your passengers being injured, or of your car being stolen, reduces so your insurance price reduces with it. However, there are other ways of reducing your costs other than these.

If you are insuring your children they will probably be cheaper to be included on your insurance policy. Sure, they will eventually have to get their own policies, but by then they might be earning more money or even have a good driving record that will give them a cheaper policy. You might find that your company offers employee discounts through their own fleet insurance policy, or that even your employment itself entitles you to a discount. Perhaps your zip code or post code will entitle you to a discount if you live in a low car crime area.

If you don’t use your car to travel to work you can negotiate a reduction, as you can if you keep your car locked in a garage when not being used. There are several other factors - age, for example. Young drivers tend to have most accidents so their premiums are heavily weighted, whereas older drivers pay less. On the other hand, if you opt for collision and/or comprehensive cover then you will pay more.

The same is true if you feel that your state minimum liability insurance is too low and you opt for more, or if you decide to take out personal injury protection (PIP) to cover your own medical expenses in the event of a collision. The state liability does not cover you if you cause the accident, and the last worry you want after causing a collision is how you are going to pay your medical expenses. Uninsured and underinsured drivers cover will also add to the price.

Fast auto insurance quotes are easy to get, although it is not so much the speed that counts with online car insurance quotations, but the ability to compare a large number of auto insurance companies is a short period of time. It is this comparison that gets you the cheapest car insurance quote online, not just fast quotes. You can compare the auto insurance rates of a number of companies and then choose the cheapest two or three to negotiate with.

You can use your deductible to negotiate the lowest possible price from each automobile insurance company on your short-list, and so find the cheapest that you can for the information you have provided. Fast auto insurance quotes are certainly useful when you are in a hurry to insure your vehicle, but it is comparison and playing one against another that gets you the cheapest.

(c) Copyright 2008 - Brent A. Kenny.

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