Saturday, May 23, 2009

Teenage Car Insurance - Is There Any Hope For Low Rates?

So, your teenager is ready to start driving. An always scary time, but now is not the time to panic. No, now is the time to get car insurance for your teenaged driver. You go online, pull up some rates, and promptly begin to…panic!

Yes, teenage car insurance is expense. Really, really expensive. So expensive that you might question the usefulness of this whole “driving” thing. What in the world is going on here?

Well, as you may know, insurance is priced based on the risk assessed by the actuary. Basically, teens are considered very high risk drivers, and are therefore subject to fairly extreme rates, as you’ve probably noticed. Teens get into accidents much more often than other drivers, and this shows itself in the rates you get.

If you’re a slightly budget conscious person, you’re probably wondering how you can lower this cost. Simple answer: wait until your teen gets older. Insurance will get cheaper then, because they will be in a lower risk category.

Not the reply you wanted to hear? Well, as it turns out, there are several ways of slightly reducing the cost off teenage car insurance. If your teen is a good student (typically B or better), you can often get a good student discount from your insurance company. It’s not a lot, but every bit helps.

Another way to save money is to take part in a drivers ed course. This is a good idea anyways, but it will seem like an even better investment when you see the savings on your car insurance bill month after month.

Another great way to save money is to make sure that your teen is a girl. That’s right, in most states, guys will have to pay a lot more than girls for the same level of coverage. This is because guys are a higher risk than girls, since they get into more accidents.

Of course, the best way to save on insurance is to be a good driver. By avoiding any incidents, your teen will build up a good driving record, which will help save money on insurance into the future. Not to mention, good driving could help save your teens life.

So, you can see that there is no magic bullet for saving money on teenage car insurance. However, if your teen has taken drivers ed, is a good student, and continues to drive well, you might just be able to avoid paying the highest rates. Otherwise, just hang in there, the teen years don’t last forever!

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